Thursday, March 12, 2009

How To Get My Ex back If He Wants More Space

Space, the final frontier. At least in Star Trek it was. Now you may be wondering how do I get my ex back when he wants more space? That is if you just broke up for that reason. This type of frontier is littered with complicated reasons. Understanding those reason may help you navigate this frontier and get your ex back. Here are a few examples of this emotional frontier, family crisis or interference. Personal insecurities. Some even have a fear of commitment. There is always the possibility that you are to possessive as well.

During these times it is easy to get emotional and over react. This usually has the opposite result, and will drive most guys away for good. So keep your head and give him some space. I do not suggest playing hard to get, because this may just make him justify leaving you for good. Remember you are trying to get him back, stay focused.

Stay close but not real close, a voice mail now and then, maybe a text, You need to respect his need for space, yet find a solution for a way for you to get back together and both be happy. Absence can make the heart grow fonder…

Once He realizes you respect his need for space it is time to slowly reconnect. You can do this by remembering what brought you two together in the first place. Share laughs over the good times you spent together. Get in touch again like the best friends you were before.

If by now you are not getting anywhere, maybe it is time to move on. Only you can judge that. If it is make sure to be friendly and respectful. Every now and then it takes a message of finality to wake up a guy to see what he is truly losing. So it may take the strength of moving on to get your boyfriend back. Keep your focus, and look for tiny signals in his smile, his touch, his words, and maybe his laughter. This will tell you whether to continue or to move on.

This is a good start and should make you able to confidently ask and answer – How do I get my ex back if he wants more space?

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Get Your Ex Back Opening Move!

Get Your Ex Back Opening Move Movie... Click Play To Watch

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Easy Steps On How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back!

5 Easy Steps On How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back! Wow 5 easy steps, well depending on how bad you messed up. You may need to work harder than others if you really made a mess of your relationship with your girlfriend. For many though you have a good chance of succeeding if you follow my 5 easy steps.

1. Most relationships are based on friendship with the benefit of also being in love. So to have a chance a getting your ex back you need to keep the friendship alive. So stay friends. Keep in contact as a friend. Do not overdo it. But make sure she knows you still are her friend.

2. Sometimes an email is a good way to stay connected and respect her space and feelings. Remember in the beginning be friendly, not focused on getting her back yet.

3. You may be tempted to go out with other women at this time. Not a good idea. Even if she is going out with other guys. Getting distracted and losing your focus at this critical time will not get her back. You may get her even angrier at you, and lose her for good. Going out with other women sends her the signal she is not that important to you. Stay single, stay friendly!

4. Women love thoughtful men. So as time goes on there are bound to be days of celebration. Could be a birthday, a holiday, or maybe some sentimental milestone of your past relationship. You have to step up and use this moment to your advantage. She loved you once. So use that and remind her of it in subtle way by acknowledging the holiday or special day in a very personal and thoughtful way. Get her in touch with the love you had together.

5. To recap, this is all about being her friend and keeping her connected to the friendship you still have. From that friendship love can be rebuilt. An important thing to remember is to also respect her feelings and maybe even apologize. You know her best, and sometimes an apology spirals into an argument or just rehashes the pain and keeps the focus on why it went wrong. Other times a thoughtful apology is an intro into staying friends so you can show her that getting back with you is the best choice she can make.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back?

I am sorry… Words to remember if you were just dumped by your girlfriend! You may be one of those optimistic types that are asking yourself over and over, can I get my ex girlfriend back? It is possible…It takes thoughtful work though, as well as saying I am sorry… The reason I say that is if you are considering getting your ex girlfriend back, chances are she dumped you and she did it because you screwed up. So a good place to start is…. I am sorry!

After I am sorry what can you do to get your ex girlfriend back? Many beg… not a good idea. Many call and leave terrible whiney messages, again not a good idea. Some try flowers… hmmm better, but not always a winner. Some get creative, write poetry, sing songs… even hire sky writers to apologize in the sky. There are tons of creative ways to ask your ex girlfriend to take you back. However a thoughtful way is to lay the groundwork first. This takes serious consideration as to why she dumped you, and how you can stop doing what drove her away.

Explaining this takes timing. So be nice, do not overwhelm her with pitiful whining. Then express your sincere apology, with a plan for the future that deals with why she left you in the first place.

Most women leave because they feel emotionally forgotten. Well lets be real… If you cheated on your ex girlfriend… I do not think this article will help you. So beyond cheaters the reason for most break ups are emotional. Women need a connection beyond the obvious. Most men work really hard to get the girl, then get distracted and lose the emotional connection with their girlfriend.

So it is that easy to get your ex girlfriend back… Hehehehehe no its not… Just like a relationship… it takes thoughtful work not only to get her back, but to keep her. So understand that and you may get her back and keep her as well…. Good Luck!

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Friday, February 27, 2009

I am Heartbroken. Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?

So you got dumped, that’s gotta hurt! He left, and now you are sitting around wondering, how can I get my ex boyfriend back? Good question… lets look at a few simple things you can do, as well as a few things not to do.

Start by being nice. I many cases guys break up because of unpleasant situations in the relationship. So if you continue to be unpleasant you will just drive him away even further. So be nice, be pleasant. It is not that hard to do… well it should not be that hard to do, if it is… well at least we know why you broke….

Things not to do. Do not beg. That will not work. Don’t play games, like dating someone to get him jealous. That’s wrong in many ways to your ex, to you and to your date. Do not call and text and bother him all the time… Better to give him some space, Be nice, be pleasant, get in touch with the person your ex fell in love with. Many times that person gets lost in the stress of day to day living. That may be all your break up is about. That is a very important part of getting your ex boyfriend back.

Another thing is to really get a grasp of what went wrong and the part you played in causing the break up. Then if you can live with the “FIX” to the cause of your breakup and you’ve been able to establish comfortable communications by being nice, then present your “fix”. Good Luck!

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Should I Do to Get My Ex Back Now?

Beg for forgiveness, hardly ever works, but you thought that was it, I bet. Better Idea, figure out what went wrong. Really, this is the right thing to do. You got dumped… WHY, find the answer and maybe you can get your ex back!

Or you could get even, get mad, yell and scream, call them names, make them cry? Yeah right, that will get em back…. NO it won’t! You know that, but it is a first response to getting dumped by most.

Ok what is left? Move on… Really I thought you wanted to get your ex back. Now here is where we find those committed to getting back together. If you are still here maybe you are serious.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Ok you are serious, we know getting even, yelling and screaming is not the answer… Brutally honest accountability is… What the hell does that mean? It means you have to look at the “WHY” you were dumped… In a brutally honest way! This is tough, you may find you really screwed up. You may find your other half is really screwed up. Either way how can you fix this?

You need to face the truth and decide, fix it, or move on! Can you live with the fix? This is the biggest question of them all. Brutal honesty will save your days, weeks, months, and maybe years of pain and suffering!

Time to choose… so ask yourself… What should I do to get my ex back, and do I really want them back?

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

How can I Get my Ex Back with a Confident Attitude Now!

I like the title of this article. It pretty much explains it all in a sentence. How can I get my ex back with a confident attitude? As they say… asked and answered. Yet many of you if you are experiencing the trauma of a break up may not be thinking clearly, and could use a better explanation. I will attempt to explain the obvious with some tenderness and sympathy for your painful and possibly even embarrassing situation.

So I repeat the obvious… CONFIDENCE…. But you are heart broken, where do you find confidence? The only thing you are confident about is your heart is broken. OK I know, however if you are reading this I would expect you want to get your ex back. Well honestly going around weeping and being depressed is not the answer. Confidence is the answer, or better yet a confident attitude is the answer to getting your ex back.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

So we understand the importance of a confident attitude… great. Now lets put it out there for the world (including your ex) to see. Go out with friends and do fun things. Stay clear of doom and gloomer’s and anyone who wants to see you fail. Hang with supportive people who make being confident easier. This will influence your ex in a positive way. Remember here our goal is to get your ex back. So stay focused.

Many times it is easy to get caught up in the fun of the moment and miss some details… Details being personal grooming and all around neatness. The last thing you want is to publically look fantastic, your ex decides to stop by and possibly make up, and your place is a disaster. She catches you unkempt with filthy place, and dirty dishes all over… you know what I mean. So whether you are in public, or private, keep your act together. Be clean neat and organized in your appearance and your living conditions. You never know what’s around the next curve in life. Remember the goal is to get your ex back!

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How do I Get Back Together with My Ex in 3 Steps

You just had a “BREAK UP” now you want to “MAKE UP”. So what do you do? You need to turn that painful break up, into a passionate make up. Start by asking the obvious question… How do I get back together with my ex? Answer…. Read the following 3 steps….

Before we get to the 3 steps to get back together with your ex… Let’s define 2 things not to do… First DO NOT reveal to your ex that you are sad and depressed … Might as well paint a big L for loser on your forehead… Second… Stay off the phone, email, and text until you have something of value to say. Crying and whining is to be done in private, not on the phone, not in public, or in an email or text. That is if you truly want to get your ex back.

Step1). You just broke up… accept it! Denial is not a river in Egypt. It is a state of mind, a state of mind that will not get your ex back. You both need time to adjust… Sometimes break ups are a flash reaction to a small thing and just by backing off your ex may realize they really do not want this to happen and all is forgiven… It also gives you time to make sure you really want to get back together. Also find ownership of why you broke up. Not owning, then repairing why you broke will only lead to another maybe even final break up.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here


Step2). Reread the things not to do! I know, it is all there, at least the first 2 steps are…. Sometimes getting back together is more about what you do not do than what you do. There is a part B to this though and just as important. I am assuming since the focus of yours is getting back together with your ex that you did not initiate the break up. So I also assume in your ex’s opinion, you screwed up. OK then, sorry to hear that. BUT! That means you have to fix it! It’s broke... You’re single… OUCH! This is the hardest part of this whole process. Own what your ex has put on you as the reason why they dumped you. Most want to defend, explain, and make excuses. Those are the ones that never get their ex back. So choose… blah, blah, excuses and bs, or Sorry I screwed up! Here is how I can make it better… And be serious and have some honest solutions to the problem… and for some of you asking for forgiveness may be needed (you know who you are).

Step3). This is based on doing all the work right in step 1 and 2. If you did you are prepared to meet your ex and talk about your break up. There has been enough time, you have been thoughtful and have a plan and maybe an apology. Now a thought to give you confidence… They loved you before… They can love you again… Be confident, apologetic, concerned, thoughtful, and most of all be the person they fell in love in the first place!

See how easy that sounds… Well if you can keep your emotions under control it is doable. So go for it! I mean really they already dumped you. What do you have to lose?

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Monday, February 23, 2009

How Can I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend

So you are looking to get back with your ex girlfriend. This tells me you are suffering from a break up. You may be hoping that you can get her back. I know when you lose a loved one it is a very painful and emotional experience. Hanging on to a lost loved one is not always a good idea. For some guys it is hard to move on. However there are times when it is possible to get back together with your ex girlfriend.

I like to think of it as a process. One magic thing or action or deed will not usually do the trick. The process starts with honesty. You being honest with yourself. You need to validate that you truly are willing not only to get her back, but to deal with why she dumped you. Something is broken and needs to be fixed. So you need to not only get her back, but if you want to keep her you better have a good understanding of how and why you were dumped in the first place.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Now here is the plan… Not really complicated. However maybe not easy to accomplish. It deals with feelings, and perception. Your feelings and her perception. Let me explain… Your feelings are probably a mess, you are heartbroken, and possibly depressed and even desperate. Well guess what… If you do not manage these feelings there is no way you are getting her back… This is where her perception comes in to play. If she perceives you as weak, depressed, desperate etc that will drive her away, and depending on bad you screwed up, she may enjoy seeing you grovel and in pain. So if you are going to have any chance of getting back together with your ex girlfriend you better give her the perception that you are strong, confident, dependable, and most of all you have a fix for what was broken in your relationship.

I know it may seem I am pointing the blame for the failure of your relationship on the guy. The reason is if you are trying so hard to get you ex girlfriend back then she most likely broke up with you… meaning you screwed up. So fix what’s broke, show her you are thoughtful, dependable and strong!

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How To Get Back Together With Your Ex Boyfriend

If the prevailing thought on your mind is… How do I get my ex boyfriend back? Then it is time for you to take ownership as to why you broke up. This can be tuff to do, you need to be honest though, with yourself and then find a way to compromise and show you can move forward and overcome your past mistakes. This will give your ex boyfriend a reason to reconsider….

Relationships fail. Many do not recover. If you are reading this in the hopes to get back together you need to figure out what went wrong in the first place. Otherwise even if you do get him back it is only temporary. If you discover that you can not fix what is broken then it is time to move on. On the other hand maybe it was something as simple as you got a little to possessive, or maybe the opposite, your friends, family and other activities took you out of play in the relationship. Men love to be the center of attention, and if you are spending more time with friends and family, then you are headed for a break up. These things are easy to repair. Take responsibility and explain how you will make things right.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

OK once again. Find what was wrong, see if it is something you have the ability to change, and if it is something workable that you can live with, then go for it. This takes being honest with yourself on many levels. If you do this in a half hearted way you will be wasting your time. If you do get back together it will fall apart again or you will not even get back together. So take an honest heartfelt look at your relationship, take responsibility for what your part was in it breaking apart. Then honestly evaluate if you can make the changes required to make this work. If not it is better to move than go through the hurt all over again later.

I know it made it sound like the break up was all your fault. The reason is… If it was all his fault I doubt you would really want to get him back… I hope that makes sense and I wish you the best in your quest to get back together with your ex boyfriend.

Lee Clarke
Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

5 Ways to Get Back at Your Ex, And Get Them Back At The Same Time!

So it’s over! OUCH. That hurts. You may be wondering, how did I get here? Well most likely you focused on the “getting” involved, and forgot like a car and other things in our lives they need to be maintained! I know, day to day responsibilities and life’s little challenges tend to take center stage and we end up taking our loved one and our relationship for granted. Then one day… it’s over, and we are heart broken. This is when many emotions come forward. Some cry, some whine, some get angry. This is a very emotional time. Some GET MAD! They want to get even…. Well I am here to tell you, you can get even in a way that has the potential to get your relationship back. Wow how great is that? So I will give you 5 tips to getting even in a way that creates the potential to get back together again.

1). First off, hold your head up high. Be strong. Strength and confidence are attractive. Crying, whining, pleading, begging are weak and will not get your ex back. Being desperate is a lost cause! Act as if! That’s right act as if you have moved on. Hey just between you and me, wow is this tuff, your heart is broken… However, it’s time to choose, Be strong and win your love back, or be weak and lose her and your dignity as well.

2). Now it is time to let go! Stop communications! I know, what? Just relax, and do not engage your ex for awhile. This in conjunction with showing strength, can create a “missing you” situation with your ex. If nothing else it stands you out from all the rest who either cry and whine and beg to be taken back, or are crazy stalkers, This works. So step back and do not use the variety of ways to contact your ex… like email, text and on and on… Be cool…it works!

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

3). Ok so we doing good so far. However there is a chance that during some breakups things flare up and arguments happen. Time to relax and do not make demands or try to “win” the fight. If you follow all 5 steps you will be in a good position to inspire your ex to get back together with you.

4). Time to party, ok maybe not party like celebrate. It is time to get out and about. Mingle with friends. Have some good times. Do not sit around and dwell about your loss. I am not advising you go out on dates, however do have some fun. This has several benefits… One of course is having a good time which is sort of a therapy, and another benefit is your ex may reconsider their situation and see what they have lost.

5). There was a reason you two originally fell in love. Get in touch with the person you were then. It is still you, however over time with all the stress of life you may have lost some connection to that part of you. This is a powerful way to subtly give your ex good feelings about you and begin to bring them around to loving you again.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How To Get An Ex Back

Wow! Breaking up, as they say is so hard to do. What if you are one of those that do not want to break up… What are your options? Many beg, cry and plead… to no avail… Some even stalk and harass the ones they love and cry over losing them. There are alternatives open to you. It takes work, are you willing to work at it? If so read on.

Believe it or not for those who have the proper strategy there is a high success ratio in getting your ex back. There are many steps in the process. We will cover some of them here and now, so read on. First step and one that is difficult for many is to face the truth as to why you broke up. Be honest, and step away from your view point and see your ex’s viewpoint. You can’t change the past, however if you can learn from it, if you do you may be successful in getting your ex back.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

So here we are, heartbroken and wanting our ex back. You have options, only a few will lead to success. This is the time you own your part in why you are here. If you can not do that… move on, let go. What ever you do, do not whine, plead, beg or stalk and harass the one you claim to love. This would qualify as an obsession, not love. Get in touch with ‘WHY” it failed and see if you have what it takes to fix it.

Another temptation is to get back at your ex… BAD IDEA. Getting them jealous… also a BAD IDEA! Actually giving the impression you are doing ok gives you the upper hand. Tony Robbins advice is to “fake it until you make it” Meaning manage your feelings, and project confidence and stability. This is so powerful. When you are weak and want to fold your hand… ask yourself do you want your ex back? If you answer yes you will find the power, energy, and focus to continue.

Best wishes!
Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Friday, February 20, 2009

Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me How Can I Tell

When your ex is showing a little bit of interest, and even seems a little interested in going out and being together with you, or if you notice signs of flirting, then it's okay to be a somewhat hopeful. However you need to relax, and avoid moving to fast. This is when you begin asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me?".

These are definitely common signs that your ex is interested in getting back with you. However even if you would want that, don’t go to fast. Relax and take it slow. The best way to move ahead is to play hard to get (in moderation), which is probably what your ex will best respond to anyway. In fact, if your ex is giving indications that he or she wants you back, then is validates that take it slow and playing hard to get is working.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

When you break up with your ex, or he or she breaks up with you, it is a natural to feel you are missing one another, maybe even longing to get back together. Especially if you have been together longer than a year. Your ex is probably going to miss you no matter what, because of the many memories you shared together. However there are other emotions that can come into play including past regrets. If you are wondering "does my ex want to get back with me" the odds are that your ex may be thinking the same thing.

There are times when an ex shows interest after a break up, however many times it is only a game. If they sense that you may still love them, they could be trying to get attention, without actually intending to get back together again. They may only be passing the time until they have better prospects on the horizon. Or worst of all they may see this as away to get even for some passed wrong. This is why it is important to go slow, and why you should take your time and make sure you are not getting played.

This is common situation a lot of people find themselves in. This is what leads to you considering "does my ex want to get back with me?", however the truth is, its better to get a sense of the situation before you act. Because if your ex really does want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best strategy as it prevents you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious...

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back?

What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back?

Most men find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" after a breakup. They start thinking and agonizing about everything that they could have done differently. Men then begin to make plans about apology letters, and phone calls, you know those long teary messages, and many other things to help them get their relationship back.

This turns out to be a dead end. Especially for this reason above all the others… Because men hardly ever have a clue as to the “real” reason for the breakup. Women become emotional and many times they are not even aware what really led to the break up, and may not know what is making them feel the way they do. In most situations it is a waste of time and energy trying to figure out what went wrong.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

The best strategy to answer the question "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?" is to let go, and forget about the relationship for a while. Put your energy into something else. Get out, make new friends, have some fun, and forget about women in general. Set some realistic goals about improving your abilities when it comes to seduction and meeting people.

Give yourself some time, and make changes in your life. Take time away from your ex and it will work wonders, for both of you. There is a good chance she will miss you.

Do you still want to get back together with her? Or are you ready to move on? Act accordingly. If you still want to get back with her, it might be time to find out how she is feeling about you.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

Now is your chance to be a little more forward when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. You need to play strategically, however do not simply beg her to get back with you… this is not a good time to become emotional.

Instead, you should be playing things cool with your ex. If you have spent enough time apart from her, she is probably missing you as badly as you are missing her. Play a little hard to get (don't over do it) and show her that you are doing fine without her. This will inspire her to really re-think things.

And if getting back together with your ex really is meant to be, then this is the time it will become obvious to both of you. Be careful not to over think this too much, because over thinking may prevent you from acting in the right way, and that could drive her away, so relax and let this strategy work for you. Stop asking yourself "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?". Just relax, and take things slow, then play them it cool and you should be fine.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here
Pink And Carey Split Up! To Learn The Details Click Here! For More Info On The Pink And Carey Break Up Here Is The News

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

If you feeling like everything you do drives your ex further away and you are asking yourself… ”What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back?" Then here are some tips that will not only improve your chances of getting back together, they may even ease the pain you are in.

I am glad you are still with me, it shows me you are serious about saving your relationship, and I really hope you benefit from reading this article. Separation can be a very lonely and painful time, and create feeling of being anxious to get back together with your ex. This stressful time sometimes causes people to behave in the wrong way, causing your ex to do the opposite of what you need and cry for, and actually pull away from you. It is human nature in to resist this kind of pressure, and in most cases they are in pain as well. Struggling against human nature is will just make things worse.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

If you are calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails, constantly text messaging him, or maybe you are trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are… stop immediately! You need to stop doing these things right now. Seriously!

So what can you do to get your ex boyfriend back? Keep reading...

You will need to take a fresh approach. Begin by breaking off contact for a while, doing your own thing. During this time focus on ways you can improve your personal life, rather than focusing on your ex and your pain. This may not be easy, however it works… This is can be a very challenging time. It will require discipline to stop you from returning to your old ways.

This time, your ex is going to experience a change in how he feels about you, now that you are no longer chasing him. You may even become mysterious to him in some ways. He no longer be sure what you are doing or feeling. This really works works in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which was not case when you are smothering him.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

'Bachelor' Couple Andrew Firestone And Jen Schefft Breakup To Learn The Details Click Here! For More Info On The Andy And Jen Break Up Read The News Here!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

The Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

Is there any 'magic' word or words you can use that will
get your ex to return your phone calls?

Yes there are… Sounds hard to believe right, however
there are words that will cast a spell and make your ex
be compelled to return your call.

This is one of the biggest questions I get
from the over 35,000 subscribers like you that are
desperately trying to put their relationship back
together again. So I will answer your burning question...
"How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

What NOT to Say! Let's go over what message hardly ever works.
and can make things worse.

These usually fall into 2 categories.

Begging, sounds something like this…

"Dave, please, please call me. I have left you 5 messages…
I HAVE to talk to you. Please call me!"

Next is the EMERGENCY…

"Lisa, this is an emergency. Call me as soon as you get this... Please!"

Can see what is wrong with both of those approaches? I bet you can
So let’s move on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest To Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are

Curiosity & Self Interest

Combine the two, then you will have a recipe that will
work like 'magic'

So now let's take a look at what you can say
that will work almost every time!

Use friendly tone, and say….

"Hi Dave. It's Lisa. I wanted to let
you know I appreciate what you did for
me. Call me because I want to thank you
in person."

Do you see the way that combines both curiosity
and self interest?

Dave will not be able to resist! He will ask himself
questions like "What did I do?" "What does she appreciate?"
he will be thinking. He also feels good because it is a positive

Before you call though you will need to figure out what
he/she did that you appreciate. It can be any small thing...
but it needs to be believable.

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

If you apply this technique with and are not prepared and they
call you back you can do more damage than good especially if
you are not properly prepared.

This is important!

What you do before, during and after you get them to return your
call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.

Make sense? You need to have a plan!

Lee Clarke Helping those suffering the heart break of separation heal their wounds and get back together. If this is you then The Magic Of Making Up is for you! If you need Help Getting Your Ex Back then make sure to check out this helpful guide and Get Your Ex Back By Clicking Here

For More Info On The Denise Richards and Richie Sambora Break Up! Read The News Here!